Latest Past Events

Yachats River Valley Farm Tour

River Road Area 8 N Yachats River Rd, Yachats

The Yachats River Valley Farm Tour is Free and open to the public. Meet "up the river folks" who are using their land to raise anything from llamas to edible flowers. Visit up to seven farms, survey the operations and purchase locally produced products, including honey, vegetables, herbs and more.

Oregon Spring Break

Lincoln City Lincoln City

Make Lincoln City your Spring Break destination this year! Our seven miles of beach comes with seven miles of smiles. Explore the beach, the town and all around.

Lincoln City Half Marathon

Taft High School 3780 SE Spy Glass Ridge Dr, Lincoln City

A great way to enjoy early spring on the Central Oregon Coast! The Lincoln City Half-Marathon and 10K starts and ends at Taft High School. The out-and-back course is on scenic, two-lane rural roads, with rolling hills and a gravel portion at the second turn-around.